Variant Choices Suits Your Needs

Subscription prices start from 55 S.R only

Hardware and Software Supplying

We supply hardware and accessories in addition to software

All of Our Programs Are Compatible with E-Invoicing Requirements

برامجنا معتمدة من هيئة الزكاة و الضريبة في المملكة العربية السعودية و متوافقة مع متطلبات الفوترة الإلكترونية و ضريبة القيمة المضافة بمرحلتيها الأولى و الثانية (مرحلة الربط و التكامل)

Competing Prices and Professional Services

Enjoy professional services and programs at nominal prices

Warranty on Software and Hardware

All programs and devices are covered by the warranty

Outstanding Technical Support

Customer care and answering inquiries


Choose what suits you from various subscriptions and start your new business or replace your previous accounting system

Comprehensive Systems

Choose the device that suits you from various devices equipped with entrusted systems and start your work within minutes


Add to your system all the accessories you need, such as invoice printers, barcode readers, and more

Best Selling Products

Need help choosing the right system for your business?
Do not hesitate to contact us

Whether you are a new business owner, or you want to take your business to higher levels, you will want to give yourself the best opportunity to focus on managing your business in the best way, and to harness your energy to increase the number of your customers.

To achieve this, you must rely on an easy-to-use and highly reliable accounting and billing system to ensure the accuracy of your accounts, and to issue detailed sales reports so that you can make appropriate decisions to improve your sales and increase the profits of your business.
Thats why AL-Mo'taman software offers you all that and more so that you can develop your business and make it successful with the least amount of effort.

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